Pioneer Museum Membership & Support
When you join the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum you help preserve and present the rich and diverse history of the Siuslaw Region for schoolchildren, academic researchers, vacationing families, and our community.
It’s a meaningful and fulfilling way to make a difference in Florence so others can benefit from visits to the fascinating exhibits and vast research library at our museum.

Our income comes primarily from membership dues, admissions, and donations. We also have a little bookstore/gift shop. On occasion, we receive grants that we have applied for.

We welcome your membership of the museum at one of the special levels listed below. This allows us to stabilize our annual revenue and carry out our mission of preserving and presenting our cultural history.
Your Siuslaw Pioneer Museum preserves and shares the exciting history of our region with children at our Florence and Mapleton schools, local families, tourists, writers, visiting academics, and researchers so they can appreciate the history, values, stories, and culture of the people who have made this area home.
We achieve this important mission through the operation of the museum and gift shop, a research library, various activities when it is safe to stage them—and through the generous financial contributions and volunteer work of people like you.

Legacy Gifts:
This is an excellent way to honor one’s family while investing in the future of our museum. You can memorialize an individual by making a contribution in their name, by including the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum in your will or estate plan, or by becoming a Lifetime Member with a gift of $1100. Lifetime Member contributions can have a name(s) added to a plaque in Siuslaw Pioneer Museum.

Membership Details
Please become a member of the museum at one of these special levels:
- Individual: $20 receives a membership card good for free unlimited admission for cardholders during membership year
- Family: $25 receives a membership card good for free unlimited admission for cardholder and immediate family during a membership year
- Business/Organization: $35 receives membership card good for free unlimited admission for cardholder plus one guest during membership year
- Sponsor: $90 receives membership card good for free admission for cardholder, two annual passes and five one-time passes to share, a thank-you acknowledgement on our website and a link to your business website.
- Patron: $165 receives membership card good for free admission for cardholder, four annual passes, and 10 one-time passes to share, a thank-you acknowledgement on our website and a link to your business website.
- Life Member: $1,100 until their passing receives annual membership card good for free admission for cardholder and special consideration for additional one-time passes to share, a thank-you acknowledgement on our website and a link to your business website.
Or, pay by check by making checks payable and mail to:
Siuslaw Pioneer Museum Association
PO Box 2637
Florence, OR 97439
Thank you!
Your gift to the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and you will receive a note of thanks from one of our board members within a few days of our receiving it. Thanks again for making a difference for preserving and sharing the rich history of the Siuslaw Region.